Monday, August 18, 2008

It's Science, for God's Sake!

I watched Richard Dawkins' documentary about Charles Darwinon Channel 4 tonight. And even though Dawkins comes across as a smug English dandy, the man does put those religious nutjobs in their place! He comes across as exasperated but always logical. He also seems obsessed with Darwin. I've never read Darwin's books but I've read several of Dawkins' books and The Guardian did a really beautiful supplement on Evolution recently which summarised it very succinctly. While I am no biologist, the simple elegance of the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection (not to mention the body of evidence to support it) makes it impossible for a sane person to dismiss it.

Despite this, insane Christians (excuse the tautology) do dismiss the theory - especially in the United States. Of course, they have to... Modern science is simply incompatible with their literal view of religion. I pity them. It's like a twenty year old still believing in the tooth fairy. Unbelieveable!
I also cannot understand so-called "moderate" Christians who acknowledge that the Creation element of their religion (chaper one of their big book) is entirely fabricated but still somehow believe there's truth in the rest of it. If The Bible was a witness in a court case, the jury would be advised its testimony was unreliable. If it wasn't so scary, it would be hilarious!
Sam Harris, author of Letter to a Christian Nation, is looking into the whole psychology of faith on his site The Reason Project. It intrigues me that so called devout Christians can make death threats in the name of their moral God while Muslims act horrified when the bloodlust of their religion is highlighted. What part of their faith disconnects them from the reality of the world about them?
I'm really starting to think that religion is a mental illness.

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