Saturday, August 09, 2008

Holy God-botherer, Batman!

I finally got a chance to see The Dark Knight last night. And while I enjoyed the movie, I am not at all convinced by speculation that Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar for his role as The Joker. Don't get me wrong... he was great an' all. It's just that I hate the sentimentality surrounding the whole thing. He either does a better acting role than the other contenders or he doesn't. Just because he gone and killed himself shouldn't make him a shoo in come award season.

I do think The Dark Knight is the best Batman movie in the franchise so far (although, I'm not sure I saw the last one!). Christian Bale gets a bad rap but I quite liked him (especially with his shirt off!). I don't get Maggie Gyllenhal at all. Come back Katie Cruise. All is forgiven!

While it would be too easy to see the parallels between the fight against Gotham crime and the US War against Terror, I prefered to see it as a fight against illogical minds and haters. Batman might be the caped crusader but I definitely saw more religious zealotry in The Joker. He subscribes to an external force ("chaos") and is dogmatic about his ideals.

As Alfred the butler says, "Some men aren't looking for anything logical... They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
These people are so happy to die for their ideas. The only way to really kill them is to prove their ideology wrong!

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