Saturday, October 04, 2008

Cunning Stunts: Ya Gotta Get A Gimmick

Sarah Palin's homespun hockey mom bullshit is making me wanna hockey up something serious. The winking, the hokey turn-off phrase and barefaced (stare down the lens) lies are frightening. She's one scary mama.

One thing that struck me was the intro to the debate as they met for the first time. She tried to disarm Joe Biden by asking (live on mic and, in my opinion, for the Legally Blonde effect), "can I call ya Joe?".

As a gentleman, with more important issues on his mind, Joe says, "Of course!". I watched the entire debate (slack-jawed, admittedly) but I didn't hear her call him Joe once. She called him Senator Biden quite a lot.

The more I see of this lady, she reminds me of school debaters and the silly stunts they used to pull to disguise the fact they had a good speaking voice but nothing to say. Scary thing is those debaters often won.

What a cunning stunt!

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