Monday, September 22, 2008

Yeah but no but yeah (but slower)

Little Britain USA looks like it's going to introduce a range of great new characters (like these freakish body builders) and no doubt a pile of new catchphrases. I can't wait to see it. But I heard that the American version of Vicki Pollard has to speak a lot more slowly so Americans get it (*yawn). Half the point of her was that she had those crazy streams of consciousness where she ended up saying outrageous things that you barely caught. I hope the whole thing doesn't get lost in translation or dumbed down altogether!Having said that The Office survived the transatlantic shift pretty well. Walliams and Lucas are also calling in a slew of celebrities to help out, like Sting who apparently makes out with Walliams in one scene. I'm not really sure how I feel about that... but apparently Sting really liked it. (Poor Trudy Styler!)

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